It is not enough to feed a hungry family or protect a child from violence; we need to change the conditions that led to hunger and violence in the first place.
We work together with businesses, government, schools, faith groups, the media, individual community members, and nonprofits because it takes the whole community to get the kind of results we need. We believe in advancing the common good through a strategic focus on the building blocks of a good life: Health, Education, Financial Stability, and Basic Needs. The ability to effect positive change begins with a single act: Your decision to give in a way that matters to you. Whether money, time, or your voice; Your action is combined with those of your neighbors and when joined together, the power to make an impact is multiplied. The generosity of our donors enables us to provide grants for outcome-based programs and collaborative projects that address core needs and achieve lasting, measurable results.
Simply put, our mission is this: to improve the quality of life within our community by connecting volunteers, organizations, and resources to advance Health, Education, and Financial Stability.